The African Monarch butterfly rests on its host in a canal near Paradise Park. Thanks to the Liesbeek Maintenance Project’s work along the corridor, the canal’s are slowly transforming from sterile cement to novel habitats.
On Thursday the 5th of October, FoL Chair Phil McLean, affectionately known as FynbosPhil will be leading a river walk inside Paradise Park.
Paradise Park is one of the pride and joys of the Liesbeek river corridor thanks to the Friends group of residents in the surrounding community who have taken serious initiative to upgrade this public green and blue space. The Park has numerous natural play features for children to enjoy the scenic riverine environment. But the attractions of this space extend beyond classic playtime fun. With Phil’s biological insight the walk is sure to help reveal a more subtle beauty of the eco-system within the park area. The talk will be aimed at the younger generation but the more experienced are more than welcome to join in on the conversation.
The walk will start from the bridge below the swings at 2pm, invite your friends and share the event on social media. This is a great opportunity to spend time learning about the Liesbeek river and how we are all reliant on the health of it’s eco-system.