Bishopscourt Project
In March this year the LMP were intimately involved in the rehabilitation of a previously infested stretch of the riparian corridor within the Boschenheuwel Arboretum. Following alien invasive clearing work conducted late in 2015, the LMP were tasked with follow-up control efforts of alien regrowth, as well assisting in the replanting of indigenous riverine vegetation in the area. Following the felling of numerous large, invasive trees, the riparian corridor has been successfully opened-up and maintained, preventing the spread of damaging alien seeds downstream as well as enhancing the public’s enjoyment and utilisation of the space. These efforts were in collaboration with the City of Cape Town’s Invasive Species Unit (ISU), with whom the Project have interacted on a far more regular basis. By dove-tailing the work of the LMP and ISU, far greater effectiveness has been achieved in both group’s work. Without the LMP, the ISU simply would not have the capacity to give the Liesbeek the attention it requires in order to maintain and improve its current state. Local knowledge of the entire river has been provided by the LMP Project Manager which has fed into the Alien Invasive Species Catchment Management Plan currently being prepared by the ISU.