Newlands Project
Following previous year’s efforts in clearing invasive species, replanting indigenous vegetation and general improvement of facilities along the trail, the LMP has mainly focused on maintaining the state of the riparian edge. Without the work performed by the LMP, this highly utilised section of the river trail would soon fall into its previous state of disrepair- as such it is imperative that time is devoted by the LMP to its upkeep.
A significant achievement by the LMP was the negotiation and reclamation of a stretch of land within the Paradise Park. A large alien invasive hedge of Lantana camara which had fallen on disputed land between public open space and private property was removed, reclaimed and rehabilitated. By engaging with the landowner, the LMP were able to convince the owner to allow the LMP to remove the hedge and subsequently shift his boundary fence back 5 metres- introducing a new flower bed into the park which was replanted with various succulents as well as a few afromontane indigenous trees.

Lantana hedge in Paradise Park