Re-planting of the cleared section along the Liesbeek River in Observatory will commence on the 2nd of April, in accordance with the arrangement between Friends of the Liesbeek and Cape Nature’s Working for Wetlands program. A number of local indigenous plant species will be planted along this section, the majority of which will be various groundcovers and small shrubs. The reasoning behind using these types of plants along the bank, is to prevent a repeat of the past where dense stands of tall vegetation decreased the safety of the public and offered cover for unwanted, anti-social behaviour in a public open space. Another reason is that by using low growing vegetation, we allow for the continued existence of a visual connection between people using the path and the river, which had never existed when the alien vegetation was present. There is also the potential of creating a path right next to the river in the near future. While it is agreed that area is not looking at its finest, we again ask for your patience in this matter as the processes we are going through are a neccessary evil in order to achieve the long term goals of rehabilitation and restoration along the river.
Should have any comments, questions and/or suggestions please feel free to contact [email protected]