Dear Friends,
After a dry winter we wonder what spring and summer have in store for us! Perhaps all of us should look again at being waterwise in our homes and gardens. However, we still can enjoy the display nature puts on – see the lovely photos of flowering plants to be found in our area in the latest newsletter September 2011 Newsletter.
IMPORTANT!!! This year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Friends of the Liesbeek and we are very proud to belong to such an active environmental organization. To celebrate the occasion we would like to ask all members and interested persons to contribute photographs, poems, newspaper articles or anecdotes – be creative! Please let us have your contributions before the end of October so that we can set up a display on the anniversary of the founding meeting of FOL,
Monday 28th November 2011.
PLEASE HELP: We would also like to honour past committee members and ask that if you were a committee member or know of someone who was active in FOL in the past, to send us an email, post a message on the website or call Francine at 021 6715385 . Our email address is [email protected] and our postal address is still P.O.Box 333, Rondebosch.
Warm regards, The Committee