Friends of the Liesbeek Announced as Eco-Logic Finalists

by | Apr 25, 2017 | Announcement

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We are honoured and privileged to be listed as finalists for the categories of Biodiversity and Eco-Community in the Enviropaedia Eco-Logic Awards. With a panel of reputable judges drawn from the DEA,  Botanical Society of SA, Endangered Wildlife Trust and other sustainably minded corporates and organisations, the announcement is certainly something to celebrate for all of those involved with Friends of the Liesbeek.

Specifically, we would like to take this moment to mention our principle funders ABAX & South African Breweries. These corporates activate our organisation by providing funding which employs 10 full time positions, pays for our maintenance team’s continuing education and ensures that maintenance costs are covered.

A special mention must also be made to Friends of the Rosebank and Mowbray Greenbelt, Friends of Paradise Park, Two Rivers Urban Park and the Upper Liesbeek River Garden. These associations are crucial components to our mission of supporting the river and it’s environs.

The fact that we have been nominated for the Eco-Community award says a lot about who we are and what we are trying to do. The category is defined as being awarded to,

“a community that has acted collectively to protect, preserve, or restore the Earths life forms, eco-systems, or natural resources”

And so, it would be misguided for us to consider this as a victory for the organisation itself but rather a victory for our greater community of the Liesbeek River and all of those who make up this assemblage. Be it the homeless who pick up litter, the stalwarts who have been involved since the founding,  corporates who fund our activities, residents who care so dearly for their surrounding space etc. etc.

This recognition is certainly welcome, and we hope to use it to improve our impact. There is still much to do and we have big plans for the future. Moving forward, Friends of the Liesbeek will continue on its mission to open up the river space to all and to ensure that the ecological integrity of this natural corridor is protected.

Thank you and congratulations to all involved!


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