Announcement of 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Friends of the Liesbeek is pleased to announce the date of our 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) This year we will be hosting our AGM on Tuesday, 6th August 2024 at the Apex Group auditorium. The address for the AGM is Apex House 1 River Park, Gloucester Rd,...

FOL Annual General Meeting 24th June 2014

  Annual General Meeting 2014 Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting. Every seat was filled and the presentations and discussions were lively. Chairman Phil McLean gave us a short summary of the year’s challenges and successes; Grant Irlam, our treasurer,...


The Friends of the Liesbeek AGM Tuesday 24 June 18h00 Enviro Centre Dalton Gibbs will be speaking on Erica verticillata and the restoration of wetlands. Please join us for this important meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you again. You can read the latest...

AGM 2012

Dear Friends a reminder of our AGM Please diarise the following important event: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tuesday 5th June 2012 at 5.30 for 6.00pm in the Environment Centre at Valkenberg There will be a presentation :- THE LIESBEEK : GROWING BANKS – INVESTING IN OUR...

AGM 2010: Report from the Chair

Friends of Liesbeek – 17th Annual General Meeting Report from the Chairperson: Kevin Winter Tuesday 11 May 2010 Enviro Centre, Valkenburg Hospital Grounds, Observatory  Dear Friends It is with some satisfaction that I report on the activities of the Friends since our...