The Liesbeek maintenance Team and personal from Kenilworth Racecourse Conservation Area recently completed cutting a path in the reeds in front of the bird hide situated in the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) and varnishing of the hide. An additional three perches (dead trees) were also installed to encourage better sightings. This was done in preparation for the upcoming winter months that will see +- 50 bird species visiting the Raapenberg seasonal wetland.
From May 2011 monthly bird counts will be conducted at Raapenberg, the Liesbeek and other surrounding wetlands. If you would like to join us for these counts please contact James Cooper no: (021) 700 1843 or 078 031 6749. Arrangements for groups to visit the hide can also be made, groups may not be larger than 20 people and arrangements must be made at least two weeks in adnavce.