A year on the Lower Liesbeek – By Jane Doherty

A year on the Lower Liesbeek – By Jane Doherty

This article is written by Jane Doherty from the Cape Bird Club (CBC). The Friends of the Liesbeek thank the CBC for allowing us to repost it here. The CBC embarked on a long-term bird survey of the Liesbeek River towards the end of 2020. The survey was coordinated by...
Observatory Liesbeek River T.R.A.S.H. clean up turns 10!

Observatory Liesbeek River T.R.A.S.H. clean up turns 10!

By Charmaine Smith TO BUY T.R.A.S.H. RAFFLE TICKETS – CLICK HERE Anyone who’s started a volunteer initiative will tell you that the biggest challenge is to keep the project going in the long run. Asking people to dedicate their time for free – or donate money...