Friends keep Liesbeeck River pretty for 20 years

This article was presented in the Tatler on 3 November – download the original pdf here (2MB). TATLER.pg4_3_nov_2011 – Southern Suburbs Tatler, Cape Community Newspapers, Independent Newspapers (Cape) A group of individuals 20 years ago changed the course...

Friends Group Workshop

A warm invitation to attend our FRIENDS GROUP WORKSHOP: Saturday 12 November, 10h00 – 13h00 The Friends of the Liesbeek will be leading our November Friends Group Workshop in celebration of their 20th anniversary!   This ‘workshop with a difference’ will begin with a...

26th Annual International Coastal Cleanup Saturday

Friends of the Liesbeek joined staff from the Plastics Federation in cleaning a stretch of beach outside the Lagoon Beach Hotel in Milnerton. Chester and Clemecia from Nature Conservation joined me as we did our little bit to help clean the oceans. I did not see or...


Recently I filmed, rather poorly I am afraid, a trio of pelicans on the Liesbeek. While not exactly an uncommon occurrence it is neither that common either. I drive down Liesbeek Avenue at least twice a day and I have only seen a pelican on a handful of occasions....